Discover Your Unique Roadmap To Purpose, Passion, And Prosperity

(Even if it feels like a life sentence, it's never too late to break the chains of powerlessness and reclaim your freedom)

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Broadcasting for 90 MINUTES 


Thursday, April 18, 2024

5pm PT / 8pm ET

Attend our FREE 90-Minute LIVE 

"Reclaim Your Power" Accelerator

 (a $497 value)

You'll gain access to transformative methods that can help you break free from the prison of destructive patterns & addictive behaviors, giving you the power to reclaim control over your life and start building a future where you are no longer held hostage.

Your path to FREEDOM starts here.


Transformational methods that aren't just theoretical – they've been applied and proven successful in our own lives and in the lives of countless individuals we've coached, trained, and mentored. We've guided our clients from the depths of despair to the heights of purpose, passion, and prosperity, breaking the chains that once held them captive and suffering... 

[Even if you're skeptical of methods you've tried before, you haven't tried our methods]

Strategies that have been designed to empower individuals from all walks of life. We meet you where you are, help you identify your personal roadblocks, and equip you with the tools to overcome them. Regardless of how long you've been grappling with this challenge, or how many times you've attempted to overcome it, our strategies ensure your transformation...

[Even if in the face of self-doubt, healing and transformation for you is possible]

Processes as simple and approachable as possible. While we acknowledge the effort and commitment required for this transformative journey, we've designed our processes to be easily implemented, no matter where you're starting from. We offer step-by-step guidance and unwavering support every step of the way, you'll never feel lost or overwhelmed...

[Even if the journey may have seemed daunting or challenging before, we make reclaiming freedom simpler]

I depend on a Power greater than me to get myself out of Ego and into a heart space, so that I can lead myself and others from a place of compassion.

~ Kelly Bazzani

"I have been seeing Kelly for over 7 months now. Since I started with her, I have learned to love and value myself, gain confidence and stretch myself out of my comfort zone. Kelly is so passionate about her profession. It shows through her knowledge, compassion and heart felt understanding!"

Renee, Grass Valley, CA
“I am a veteran with over 22 years of service to our country. While I have not seen what others may have seen with battle, I still have my own scars. I was honestly tired of being tired and with the encouragement pushing of my wife I reached out to Kelly. I have worked with Kelly for just over a year and during this time I have felt myself change in ways I didn’t know I could. I have felt better than ever mentally, and my family life and work life have improved so much. I am still learning how to love myself and step out of my comfort zone, even if it’s a small step. I keep working on trying to grow daily. Kelly has a no B.S. style and one of the many things I appreciate about her is that she is not always clinical. The only other thing that I can say is Thank You from the bottom of my heart I am forever grateful.”
Mike, Lincoln, CA
"Coaching we received at Resilience helped save our marriage. We learned tools and strategies to improve our communication, understanding, and ability to set goals and boundaries. We look forward to continued growth and a peace filled future. #teamBazzani for life!"
Carina & Maurice, Clear Lake, CA
Dear Friend,

Firstly, I want you to know that I see you. I understand the darkness you’re feeling, the heaviness of the destructive patterns and addictive behaviors that have held you captive for far too long. I understand because I've been there. My journey to where I am now was long, arduous, and often painful, but I am grateful for every step because it has equipped me with the insight, empathy, and tools to support you now.

In maximum security jail, on my one-year sobriety date, I received a profound spiritual revelation. As I judged my cellmate for her life sentence due to murder, my Higher Power showed me how my own destructive addictive behaviors could have led me down the same path. From that moment, my life's purpose became clear—I would dedicate my life to mental health, wellness, and ending the stigma around addiction.

It has been a long journey since then. Overcoming multiple spinal surgeries, dealing with the loss of feeling in my legs, and breaking free from the grips of addiction, I found hope amidst despair and strength amidst fragility. Having graduated with a Masters Degree in Psychology, with a dual emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy and Professional Clinical Counseling, and being a Master Certified Empowerment Coach, I am not just sharing my story; I am equipped with professional expertise to guide you on your path to recovery.

Dear Friend,

Firstly, I want you to know that I see you. I understand the darkness you’re feeling, the heaviness of the destructive patterns and addictive behaviors that have held you captive for far too long. I understand because I've been there. My journey to where I am now was long, arduous, and often painful, but I am grateful for every step because it has equipped me with the insight, empathy, and tools to support you now.

In maximum security jail, on my one-year sobriety date, I received a profound spiritual revelation. As I judged my cellmate for her life sentence due to murder, my Higher Power showed me how my own destructive addictive behaviors could have led me down the same path. From that moment, my life's purpose became clear—I would dedicate my life to mental health, wellness, and ending the stigma around addiction.

It has been a long journey since then. Overcoming multiple spinal surgeries, dealing with the loss of  feeling in my legs, and breaking free from the grips of addiction, I found hope amidst despair and strength amidst fragility. Having graduated with a Masters Degree in Psychology, with a dual emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy and Professional Clinical Counseling, and being a Master Certified Empowerment Coach, I am not just sharing my story; I am equipped with professional expertise to guide you on your path to recovery.

Over the years, I have been able to help hundreds of individuals find their purpose, passion, and success. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, my clients and I have turned obstacles into stepping stones, transforming destructive patterns that led to addictive behaviors into a roadmap to resilience. I want to assure you that, with the right guidance, your struggle can also be transformed into your greatest asset.

My life's purpose is to guide you to reclaim inner freedom and get the results you desire in overcoming obstacles by gaining clarity when faced with uncertainty and adversity. I have been in recovery since 2007. I have been sober from alcohol for 16 years, and as of July 21st, I am nine years clean from prescription medication. My journey of transformation is a testament that change is possible, and I can guide you towards the same freedom I've found.

We all have a unique story to tell and mine is a testament of resilience, an assurance that even from our darkest moments, we can rise and thrive. I was born to be on this journey, to lead and teach from my wise experience. It is my talent and my birthright. I want nothing more than to share this gift with you! I understand the intricacies of your struggle, the feelings of helplessness, and the longing for freedom.

From an early age, I was defined by success and accomplishments. In my journey to overcome, I discovered that the validation I sought from outside was already within me. This realization led to my recovery and now shapes my approach in helping others. If you feel trapped by perfectionism, rigidity, and the obsession with labeling yourself, you are not alone. We can redefine your identity together.

My catastrophes, my rock bottom, and my consequent rise from the ashes make me uniquely equipped to guide you through your journey. As we work together, remember, it is not about the fall but about how you rise after it. The same resilience I found, the same transformation I experienced, is available to you too.

I am here to walk this path with you. To support, guide, and empower you to reclaim control over your life. If you're ready to take the first step towards reclaiming your power and breaking free from destructive patterns and addictive behaviors…

Attend our FREE 90-Minute LIVE “Reclaim Your Power Over Destructive Patterns & Addictive Behaviors” Accelerator. I am ready to walk alongside you…


Kelly Bazzani

BSN, MA Psychology, Certified Master Empowerment Coach & Facilitator

From an early age, I was defined by success and accomplishments. In my journey to overcome, I discovered that the validation I sought from outside was already within me. This realization led to my recovery and now shapes my approach in helping others. If you feel trapped by perfectionism, rigidity, and the obsession with labeling yourself, you are not alone. We can redefine your identity together.

My catastrophes, my rock bottom, and my consequent rise from the ashes make me uniquely equipped to guide you through your journey. As we work together, remember, it is not about the fall but about how you rise after it. The same resilience I found, the same transformation I experienced, is available to you too.

I am here to walk this path with you. To support, guide, and empower you to reclaim control over your life. If you're ready to take the first step towards reclaiming your power and breaking free from destructive patterns and addictive behaviors…

Attend our FREE 90-Minute LIVE “Reclaim Your Power Over Destructive Patterns & Addictive Behaviors” Accelerator. I am ready to walk alongside you…


Kelly Bazzani

BSN, MA Psychology, Certified Master Empowerment Coach & Facilitator

“When I came to see Kelly, I felt hopeless. I had lost interest in life and all the things that mattered most to me. Through Kelly’s coaching and guidance, I have found myself again. I have pursued and obtained my GED and now started college and started a career in Graphic Design! I have successfully had top surgery! I have transitioned jobs with ease and little to no stress! I now rent my own apartment with my husband and pets which was one of my main SMART goals! I have learned and truly absorbed real life skills and no longer emotionally suppress how I feel! I am actively pursuing my career field in Graphic Design because it is my passion and I love it as a result of loving myself! I am actually living life for once as opposed to merely surviving! I am now thriving! Thank you Kelly! I am truly grateful to you for coaching me and being my guide!”
Jackson, Citrus Heights, CA
“Kelly is not just any life coach; she is a rare find. Kelly is compassionate, honest and incredibly intuitive. She is so full of energy, and commitment for the work she is doing, that you can’t help but to get caught up in the passion. When I went to see Kelly, I had reached a point in my life where I was just walking through life rather than living it. Through her coaching and support, I have been able to get back to my core values and am finding the courage to take back my life and live it. I have found happiness in reconnecting with friends and family and found the joy in simple things life has to offer such as laughter. My journey is just beginning but there is no one else I would trust to coach me through my journey than Kelly.”
Maria, El Dorado Hills, CA
Maria, El Dorado Hills, CA
“Kelly has been coaching me for four years now and she is the best coach I have ever known. She listens to you, understands you, and the best of all doesn’t judge you. She helps you through your hardest moments in life and helps you get through it the easiest way possible. She teaches ways of resilience and to be the best that you can always be. That is the way of Resilience.”
Alana, Rocklin, CA, 7th Grade

“I have been working with Kelly for over 2 years now. For anyone seeking to create a more resilient future for themselves with a solid internal foundation, I could not recommend Kelly more. As we have worked together, she has been by my side during incredibly difficult personal and professional challenges. With her compassionate guidance, I have built the tools and skills for my own resilient footing to weather these storms more easily. Working with Kelly is never easy–I have laughed, cried, and had moments when I have had to take accountability for my own behaviours. But even in my darkest moments, Kelly’s light has led me to a better future.”

CJ, Sacramento, CA

“Kelly is fantastic. My 14 year old son and I have been working with her for more than a year. Her dedication to her clients and her wealth of knowledge and experience make her a powerful force to have on our team. She has connected with my son in ways no one else has been able to achieve. She has guided me towards inner growth that is benefiting my relationships, both of my businesses and my overall well-being. I am so very grateful for Kelly’s talented coaching.”

Heather, La Crosse, WI

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